Cloud-Based EAM: Powering Up Your Singaporean SME with Efficiency

Singapore is a country where small businesses encounter many troublesome situations when embarking on their business journeys. Not only starting up a business but also carrying out operations smoothly is challenging with the flourishing competition. One major aspect of an enterprise, no matter its size, is undoubtedly maintaining its assets, or, in other words, ‘assets management’. This is where the ‘Enterprise Asset Management Software‘, or EAM, enters the scenario to help Singaporean SMEs protect their assets while receiving the most out of them. However, in the current scenario, we witness a huge enthusiasm towards implementing cloud-based EAM solutions within SMEs in Singapore.

In this article, we will explore how you can power up your small business through the benefits of cloud-based EAM solutions.

We will know

What is Cloud-Based EAM?

  • Cloud-based EAM, also known as Cloud Enterprise Asset Management in the business world, is a software solution for managing physical assets that reside on a remote server network (the cloud) rather than on physical servers located at your business (on-premise). 
  • This allows authorised users to access and manage asset data from anywhere with an internet connection, using any device.
  • So, what makes it distinguish? 
  • Unlike traditional EAM, the software and data are stored on servers managed by a cloud service provider. This will eliminate the need for a company to invest in and maintain its own IT infrastructure.

Benefits of Cloud-Based EAM for Singaporean SMEs

Reduced Costs

Cloud-based Enterprise Asset Management software offers significant cost benefits for Singaporean SMEs. Let us show you how.

As mentioned in the above section, traditional on-premise EAM systems require large upfront investments in hardware, software, and IT personnel. These expenses can be a major burden for small and medium-sized enterprises. 

However, cloud-based EAM eliminates these high initial costs by using a subscription model. But how?

This model allows businesses to pay a manageable monthly or annual fee instead of investing heavily at the start. Also, cloud-based systems reduce the need for in-house IT staff, as the service provider manages maintenance and updates. 

This makes cloud-based EAM a much more affordable and attractive option for SMEs in Singapore. It will not require much money to boost the efficiency levels of asset management.

Improved Accessibility

It is true that this greatly improves accessibility for Singaporean SMEs. 

With cloud-based EAM, authorised personnel can access real-time asset data anytime, anywhere, using any internet-connected device. This means that employees can work from different locations, whether they are in the office, at home, or even on the go. 

This improved accessibility enhances collaboration and communication across various departments, as everyone can stay updated with the latest information.

It also leads to better decision-making since managers and staff can quickly access and analyse data to make informed choices. 

You can see that the ability to access crucial asset information remotely makes cloud-based EAM a valuable tool for SMEs. The latter will help them operate more efficiently and effectively.

Enhanced Maintenance Management

The best thing about a cloud-based solution is that it streamlines work order creation, preventive maintenance scheduling, and tracking of spare parts inventory. 

This means that businesses can easily organise and manage maintenance tasks, ensuring that all equipment is regularly serviced and in good working condition. As it can schedule preventive maintenance, SMEs can avoid unexpected equipment failures and the costly downtime that comes with them. 

Plus, keeping track of spare parts inventory ensures that necessary parts are always available when needed. This, of course, prevents unnecessary delays in repairs. 

Not to mention that this helps SMEs maintain their equipment more efficiently, reducing the risk of breakdowns and improving operational productivity.

Scalability and Flexibility

How can you survive such a competitive business landscape without scalability? This is the basic theory behind cloud-based EAM.

It provides excellent scalability and flexibility for Singaporean SMEs. It works like this: as the business grows, cloud-based EAM solutions can easily adapt to meet the expanding needs. 

Authorities can add new users or additional functionality without needing significant IT infrastructure upgrades. This means that as you hire more employees or need more advanced features, you can simply update your subscription plan rather than invest in new hardware or software. 

This flexibility ensures that the company’s EAM system can grow alongside the business, providing continuous support without causing disruption or requiring large expenditures. 

With this in hand, business expansion will not be a challenge anymore!

Data Security and Compliance

When you collaborate with reputable cloud service providers, they implement robust data security measures to protect your valuable asset data from cyber threats. 

This indicates that the information of an organisation is safe from hackers and unauthorised access with cloud-based EAM. Plus, such solutions include regular backups, which eliminate the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or other unforeseen disasters. 

This ensures that enterprise data is always available and can be quickly restored if needed. 

Did you know that compliance with industry standards is also easier if you implement a cloud-based EAM? Yes, as cloud providers often stay updated with the latest regulations. 

Automated Reporting and Analytics

These systems provide real-time data on asset performance and maintenance history, giving businesses instant access to important information. Let us elaborate on this a bit more.

This enables SMEs to generate insightful reports that help them understand how their assets are performing and what maintenance has been done. With this data, businesses can make informed, data-driven decisions to optimise asset utilisation and improve maintenance strategies. 

When it is possible to identify trends and potential issues early, SMEs can ensure their equipment operates efficiently. This will reduce downtime and extend the lifespan of their assets.

Considerations for Singaporean SMEs


Opting for a cloud-based EAM solution is one thing. It would indeed be beneficial if your organisation considered the following factors in advance.

Internet Connectivity

When purchasing a cloud-based Enterprise Asset Management system, Singaporean SMEs must consider internet connectivity as a top priority.

If we talk about why, this cloud-based EAM relies heavily on a stable internet connection to function effectively. Without reliable internet access, businesses can face disruptions in accessing real-time data and managing their assets. 

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your business has a dependable internet service to avoid any interruptions in your EAM system.

In order to overcome this fact, you can invest in a high-quality internet connection. It will help maintain smooth operations and allow your cloud-based EAM to provide all its benefits, such as improved maintenance management, data security, and automated reporting. You must understand that reliable internet access is essential for maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of a cloud-based EAM solution.

Data Security

As fact number two, you need to choose a cloud service provider with a proven track record of data security and compliance with Singaporean data privacy regulations, such as the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). 

When you ensure that your provider adheres to these standards, it will help protect your valuable asset data from cyber threats and unauthorised access. However, this will not be a problem if you hold hands with a reputable provider, as they will have robust security measures, including encryption, regular security audits, and secure data storage.

Integration with Existing Systems

As fact number two, you need to choose a cloud service provider with a proven track record of data security and compliance with Singaporean data privacy regulations, such as the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). 

When you ensure that your provider adheres to these standards, it will help protect your valuable asset data from cyber threats and unauthorised access. However, this will not be a problem if you hold hands with a reputable provider, as they will have robust security measures, including encryption, regular security audits, and secure data storage.


You need to opt for a cloud-based solution capable of growing with your business needs. Do you agree?

You must consider factors such as user capacity and data storage requirements. The whole point here is that when choosing a scalable solution, SMEs can easily accommodate increases in workload, users, or data volume without facing significant disruptions or the need for costly upgrades. 

Scalability ensures that the EAM system remains effective and efficient as the business expands, allowing for seamless operations and continued productivity. This is why prioritising scalability when purchasing a cloud-based EAM solution is a must-do. 

Vendor Support

Be it upgrades, maintenance, or new implementations, it is highly crucial to choose a vendor or a software supplier that offers reliable customer support to ensure you receive timely assistance if needed. 

A vendor with responsive support services can address any issues or queries promptly, minimising downtime and ensuring the smooth operation of the EAM system. If you can prioritise vendor support, it ensures that your SME has access to expert assistance whenever required. 

Whether it is troubleshooting technical issues, providing training, or offering guidance on system optimisation,this is where selecting a vendor with robust customer support paves the way to maximising the software’s effectiveness in managing assets.

Dominating the Business Landscape in Singapore with Cloud-Based EAM


As you have read the whole article, you may understand the vitality of opting for an EAM solution that is hosted on the cloud. Whether it is efficiency, effectiveness, or security, cloud-based EAM from a reputed supplier will offer the best for sure.